Knowing the 'right' thing to say when talking about autism can be difficult if you don't know a lot about it.
These engagement resources give information on the strengths of autism, strengths based role matching and some common characteristics of autism at work. They aim to enable a DES provider or employer to engage positively and confidently with an autistic jobseeker or, in the case of a DES provider, a potential employer
Getting all of the strengths of an autistic employee across to an employer in a short period of time can be challenging. To help with that we have developed the following tools that can be adapted to fit and used in employer engagement conversations – either in person, telephone or in a meeting.
The “Employer Engagement Script” provides words around what autism is, and what are some of the strengths autism can bring to a workplace. The “Employer Engagement Presentation” is something that could be used (as well as the script) if you were trying to engage with a large organisation and were meeting with the CEO or diversity and inclusion team.
We have also provided a 'script' when talking to autistic clients about getting to know them, what their autism means for them, disclosure and what supports they will need in the workplace.
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