Mental Health TRaining
Supporting a Neurodiverse Workforce: A Mental Health and Well-being Online Training Course
A world-first mental health and well-being resource and training toolkit to support autistic employees. A collaboration between DXC, ANZ Banking Corporation, Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre at La Trobe University (OTARC) and Untapped. Designed to fulfil the shortfall of mental health training, tools, and processes in the workplace – specifically for supporting autistic employee.
“Are you a manager, mentor or co-worker of an individual on the autism spectrum? Are you an employee on the autism spectrum dealing with anxiety at the workplace? If the answer is yes, the Supporting a Neurodiverse Workforce: A mental health and well-being resource and training package is a great resource for you.”
“The ‘Supporting a Neurodiverse Workforce’ training package makes an important contribution to our understanding of the impact of mental health and well-being of adults on the autism spectrum in the work place. It provides a suite of information and strategies for employers to better support the long-term positive engagement of their employees who are on the autism spectrum.”
Now in an interactive on-line format The ‘Supporting a Neurodiverse Workforce: A Mental Health and Well-being Online Training Course’ is designed to support the mental health and well-being of all employees, including those on the autism spectrum. It presents current, evidence-based information, and strategies about mental health and well-being, including specific information on mental health as it presents in autistic individuals.
There is specific information for different end-users: executives, supervisors, mentors, co-workers, and employees on the autism spectrum, as well as practical resources to support the mental health of everyone in the workplace.
This comprehensive 11-module training course includes:
Interactive videos and media on the importance of mental well-being in the workplace, what it means to be on the autism spectrum, and how to create autism friendly environments.
Interactive videos and media on how to identify common signs of mental ill health and what this may specifically look like in autism.
Downloadable fact sheets to guide you in the challenging task of supporting your own mental well-being as well as that of your staff or colleagues.
Practical downloadable resources to help manage mental health in the workplace.
Quizzes to help test your knowledge.
A certificate of completion.
See the introductory video below for a demonstration of what is included:
For a walk through of what to expect, view the video below:
You will learn:
The importance of supporting well-being in the workplace
What is autism, and how to create autism friendly environments
How to recognise mental ill health in yourself and others, including those on the autism spectrum
Strategies to support the mental health of yourself, your colleagues or your employees on the autism spectrum
INTRODUCTORY Price: $A399 ($Australian)
Payment made via PayPal or credit card (via PayPal – no sign-up required)
For an introductory period, you can also complete Module 1 at no cost before committing to the entire course. You will still need to register in the normal way - by clicking the button below and following the prompts - but then select the ‘Free Module 1’ version of the course.
This training can also be provided as face-to-face workplace training, for more information email